Liebe Sakyadhita Germany Mitglieder und Interessierte,
ich möchte Ihnen und euch frohe Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2019 wünschen!
gleichzeitig möchte ich hiermit an die 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women erinnern, die kommendes Jahr in Australien sein wird, Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen!
Die Vorbereitungen für das vierte Sakyadhita Germany Meeting 2020 laufen bereits. Ich freue mich, mitzuteilen, dass Sakyadhita Germany und das erste tibetisch-buddhistische Nonnenkloster in Deutschland, das Nonnenkloster Shide, zusammenarbeiten, und dass ich das Angebot, dass wir beim nächsten Treffen unter dem Dach von Shide zusammenzukommen, gerne angenommen habe. Sylvia Wetzel hat sich bereit erklärt, als Referentin dabeizusein. Herzlichen Dank!
Nun wünsche ich noch einmal alles Gute für das kommende Jahr, für eine fruchtbare Sakyadhita Konferenz und ein ebensolches Meeting.
I would like to wish everyone merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2019!
At the same time I would like to remind you of the 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women, which will take place in Australia, Looking forward to seeing you there!
The preparation for the 4th Sakyadhita Germany meeting, which will take place in 2020, has already begun after the last meeting. I am happy to announce, that Sakyadhita Germany and the first Tibetan Buddhist nunnery in Germany, Shide, are cooperating, and that I happily accepted the chance to come together under the roof of Shide, when we will have our next Sakyadhita Germany meeting. Sylvia Wetzel agreed to be the speaker. Thank you very much!
Mögen alle Wesen glücklich sein!
Now, I again wish all the best for the coming year and for a fruitful Sakyadhita conference and lso for such a fruitful meeting!
May all beings be happy!
Monday, December 24, 2018
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
3. Sakyadhita Germany Branch Meeting, 04. August 2018
Einen kleinen Eindruck vom Sakyadhita Germany Branch Meeting und Workshop samt Dharma Talk vom 04. August 2018.
Schade, dass wir nur 16 Personen waren, aber das kann der ungewöhnlichen Hitze geschuldet sein.
Wir hatten jedenfalls einen phantastischen Tag mit interessanten Belehrungen und herausfordernden Experimenten im Workshop.
Mein Dank gilt allen Teilnehmerinnen, die mit Spaß, Freude und Engagement teilnahmen.
Danke auch, dass ich dadurch einige Neu-Interessierte auf der Mailingliste führen darf.
Schade, dass wir nur 16 Personen waren, aber das kann der ungewöhnlichen Hitze geschuldet sein.
Wir hatten jedenfalls einen phantastischen Tag mit interessanten Belehrungen und herausfordernden Experimenten im Workshop.
Mein Dank gilt allen Teilnehmerinnen, die mit Spaß, Freude und Engagement teilnahmen.
Danke auch, dass ich dadurch einige Neu-Interessierte auf der Mailingliste führen darf.
Diejenigen, die auf die letzte Email nicht geantwortet und mit die
Erlaubnis gegeben haben, sie auch zukünftig anzuschreiben, kann ich
aufgrund der EU-DSGVO nicht mehr per Rundmal anschreiben. Infos wird es
jedoch nach wie vor auf fb und dem Sakyadhita Germany Blog geben.
Das nächste Mal treffen wir uns auf der 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in Australien!
Ich freue mich darauf!
Here I would like to give you with the photos a small impression what the Sakyadhita Germany Branch meeting and the workshop with the samt Dharma Talk was like on August 4, 2018.
It´s a pity that we only were 16 people, but maybe that was due to the unusual heat here these weeks.
However, we had a fancy day with interesting teachings and challenging experiments among the workshop.
Thanks to all the participants, who with fun, joy, and engagement participated.
Thanks, too, that I was allowed to also write by email to some new interested people.
Those, who did not answer to my last email giving permission to further write to them and giving them info by email, I am not allowed by the EU private policy.
Info, however, you will get as usual on fb and on the Sakyadhita Germany blog.
So, next time, let´s meet on the 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in Australia, 2019!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Das nächste Mal treffen wir uns auf der 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in Australien!
Ich freue mich darauf!
Here I would like to give you with the photos a small impression what the Sakyadhita Germany Branch meeting and the workshop with the samt Dharma Talk was like on August 4, 2018.
It´s a pity that we only were 16 people, but maybe that was due to the unusual heat here these weeks.
However, we had a fancy day with interesting teachings and challenging experiments among the workshop.
Thanks to all the participants, who with fun, joy, and engagement participated.
Thanks, too, that I was allowed to also write by email to some new interested people.
Those, who did not answer to my last email giving permission to further write to them and giving them info by email, I am not allowed by the EU private policy.
Info, however, you will get as usual on fb and on the Sakyadhita Germany blog.
So, next time, let´s meet on the 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in Australia, 2019!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Monday, July 9, 2018
Am 04. August ist unser Sakyadhita Germany Meeting
vergessen! Am 04. August um 10 Uhr ist im Tibetischen Zentrum in
Hamburg unser Sakyadhita Germany Meeting mit Thich Nu Tinh Quang.von
Sakyadhita Canada Ich freue mich schon, Sie und Euch zu sehen!
Don´t forget! Our Sakyadhita Germany meeting with Thich Nu Tinh Quang from Sakyadhita Canada will be in Hamburg at the Tibetan Centre on August 4!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Don´t forget! Our Sakyadhita Germany meeting with Thich Nu Tinh Quang from Sakyadhita Canada will be in Hamburg at the Tibetan Centre on August 4!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Friday, June 15, 2018
Sakyadhita Germany Meeting mit Thich Nu Tinh Quang
Auf dem kommenden Sakyadhita Germany Meeting am 04. August im Tibetischen Zentrum in Hamburg haben wir die Ehre,
"special guest" Thich Nu Tinh Quang von Sakyadhita Canada willkommen zu heißen. Sie wird
einen Workshop halten zum Thema
Es wird sehr spannend werden!
Außerdem wird es sicherlich interessant sein, uns auszutauschen, was in den verschiedenen Regionen in unserem Land von Sakyadhita Mitgliedern auf die Beine gestellt wird, sei es "Sitting in Council", Unterstützung bei Seminararbeiten und Dissertationen zum Thema "Frauen und Buddhismus", Meditationsgruppen, Peacemaker, Umwelt- und Tierschutz etc.
Mitglieder und Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen.
On the next Sakyadhita Germany meeting we are honoured to have Thich Nu Tinh Quang from Sakyadhita Canada as special guest. She will give a workshop with the title "BUDDHIST ETHICS AND INTRINSIC BIAS". This will become very exciting!
Besides it will be interesting to exchange information about the different ideas and projects of the Sakyadhita members in all the regions of our country, like sitting in council, support of papers and theses with the topic "Women and Buddhism", meditation groups, Peacemakers, protection of the environment, animal protection etc.
Members and interested people are wellcome.
Es wird sehr spannend werden!
Außerdem wird es sicherlich interessant sein, uns auszutauschen, was in den verschiedenen Regionen in unserem Land von Sakyadhita Mitgliedern auf die Beine gestellt wird, sei es "Sitting in Council", Unterstützung bei Seminararbeiten und Dissertationen zum Thema "Frauen und Buddhismus", Meditationsgruppen, Peacemaker, Umwelt- und Tierschutz etc.
Mitglieder und Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen.
On the next Sakyadhita Germany meeting we are honoured to have Thich Nu Tinh Quang from Sakyadhita Canada as special guest. She will give a workshop with the title "BUDDHIST ETHICS AND INTRINSIC BIAS". This will become very exciting!
Besides it will be interesting to exchange information about the different ideas and projects of the Sakyadhita members in all the regions of our country, like sitting in council, support of papers and theses with the topic "Women and Buddhism", meditation groups, Peacemakers, protection of the environment, animal protection etc.
Members and interested people are wellcome.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Vorschläge für die 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in Australien, 2019
The 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women
June 23-28, 2019, Fairmont Resort, Blue Mountains, Australia
Call for Proposals
"New Horizons: Buddhist Women Rising to Challenges”
Whether Buddhism is relatively new to a country or has been there for thousands of years, rapidly changing conditions are creating great challenges for Buddhism. Some are the same as past challenges and some are new. Buddhism has always managed to adapt to new conditions, while balancing the values of Dharma with the demands of the present. This time, for the very first time in history, women are central to the challenge.
The Planning Committee of the 16th Sakyadhita International Conference is looking for proposals for paper presentations, workshops, and poster sessions for the Conference. This year, our paper presentation program will be much reduced (maximum 20 presentations will be accepted), as we will be adding more workshops, a new poster session, as well as interactions in various other formats. Those who are interested in presenting their thoughts related to our theme are most welcome to consider submitting a proposal. Fitting the theme are any genuine concerns and practical discussions on issues related to how Buddhist women would have risen to the challenges in the past and will continue to do so in response to the various forms of new challenges that the modern times present to us and ask us to solve. More personalized perspectives based on one’s own experiences will be welcome.
Proposals for papers, workshops, and poster sessions (250 words maximum) must be submitted by September 1, 2018. Proposals must include sender’s name, institutional affiliation, contact information (email, and phone number), and a short bio of the author in about 5 lines. Notifications of acceptance will be sent in October. The workshop presenters and poster presenters should submit their plan, and will receive further details upon having their initial proposals accepted. Upon acceptance, papers are due by January 15, 2019, and should not exceed 1,700, as the paper presentation time is set for 15 minutes. The final versions of these papers will be translated into several languages including Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese, and posted on the conference website in advance and accessible to conference attendees. All speakers and workshop/poster presenters must register for the conference.
Proposals for papers, posters and workshops should be sent to,, and, respectively.
Further suggestions are welcome, and if you would like to show films please contact the planning team at
If you have inquiries any other general matters other than those above mentioned, please contact
The Planning Committee of the 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Neuigkeiten - Neuigkeiten - Neuigkeiten: 16. Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women
Die 16. Internationale Sakyadhita Konferenz buddhistischer Frauen wird in Australien sein, in den Blue Mountains, und zwar im Juni 2019.
Sobald es neue Details gibt, werde ich Sie gerne weiter informieren!
Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen! :)
Sobald es neue Details gibt, werde ich Sie gerne weiter informieren!
Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen! :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Karma Lekshe Tsomo: Auf verschlungenen Wegen zum Nonnendasein, von Egbert Asshauer
Monday, January 15, 2018
Die neue Sakyadhita Newsletter ist da!!! Volume
26, Winter 2017. Gerade mit der Post bekommen. Was für tolle Beiträge,
z. B. "The Ethics of Giving" von Prof. Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo, "Sexual
Assault and Rape Awareness" von Upasaka Khemacari und auch Beiträge von
Rotraut Jampa Wurst, u. a. über "Tangling with Death and Bureaucracy"
Lesen, lesen, lesen
The new Sakyadhita Newsletter is published!!! Volume 26, Winter 2017. Got as print version in that very moment. Wonderful contributions, e. g. "The Ethics of Giving" by Prof. Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo, "Sexual Assault and Rape Awareness" by Upasaka Khemacari and also contributions by Rotraut Jampa Wurst "Tangling with Death and Bureaucracy" et. al.
Read, read, read
Lesen, lesen, lesen

The new Sakyadhita Newsletter is published!!! Volume 26, Winter 2017. Got as print version in that very moment. Wonderful contributions, e. g. "The Ethics of Giving" by Prof. Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo, "Sexual Assault and Rape Awareness" by Upasaka Khemacari and also contributions by Rotraut Jampa Wurst "Tangling with Death and Bureaucracy" et. al.
Read, read, read

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